What Does Out for Delivery Mean?

When a product is shipped to its intended recipient, it undergoes several procedures. Upon tracking your package and seeing any status indicating “out for delivery,” this signifies the imminent arrival of your item. If you are unfamiliar with the meaning behind this particular notification, keep reading!

The tracking status “out for delivery” is commonly used in online shopping. It typically signals that the carrier has departed from the previous facility with your package in transit. For any cash on delivery purchases, payment should be prepared in advance of the expected delivery timeframe. Once the “Out For Delivery” update is received, you can generally expect receipt of your product within a day or two.

What Does “Out for Delivery” Really Mean?

What Does Out for Delivery Mean?

Following an online purchase, customers can monitor the location and status of their order. Many e-commerce platforms provide tracking services to follow purchased products. The “Out For Delivery” notification indicates the item has left the previous facility and is en route to the recipient’s address with the assigned delivery carrier.

Specifically, across major shipping companies – Amazon, FedEx, DHL, etc. – the “Out For Delivery” tracking status signifies:

The customer’s online order has arrived within their city or nearest delivery hub and will soon be handed off to the delivery courier for prompt conveyance to the provided address. This last-mile transit marks the final step before the customer receives their purchased item.

Other Definitions of “Out For Delivery”

1. The purchased product has reached the distribution hub closest to the recipient’s home or mailing address. Following this “out for delivery” update, final delivery may occur that same day or the next day by the carrier.

2. This status indicates the parcel has departed from the courier’s nearest facility en route to the delivery address. Customers will see this notification on the scheduled delivery date. At this stage, receipt of the item typically occurs on the next day.

3. For some companies, this phrase means the package has been handed over to the local delivery person responsible for the recipient’s neighborhood. Although marked “out for delivery” that morning, final delivery that same day is not guaranteed. The parcel often completes the last leg of transit the following day.

4. An “out for delivery today” status for certain carriers signals the customer’s order is scheduled for final transportation from the closest depot to their address that same day. However, due to potential delivery delays, the parcel may arrive the next day in exceptional cases.

      Courier Company Meanings of “Out For Delivery”


      USPS: The status “out for delivery” indicates the parcel is in the final transit stage, loaded on the postal truck, and will reach the recipient’s address by end of day.

      UPS: A UPS tracking update of “ready for delivery” means the shipment is aboard a UPS vehicle en route to its concluding destination. Customers can expect delivery by 7pm on the day their tracking shows this status change. A separate notice will confirm successful delivery.

      FedEx: FedEx does not utilize the “out for delivery” phrase in its package monitoring. Items remain “in transit” until delivered, at which point delivery confirmation is provided.

      DHL: For DHL shipments, an “out for delivery” tracking status signifies the parcel should be arriving at the recipient’s door or is in the final transportation process.

      Reasons for Non-Delivery After “Out For Delivery”

      In situations where a package tracking shows “Out for delivery” but does not arrive as expected, there are several potential explanations:

      ● The parcel was erroneously dispatched to an incorrect address.
      ● There is an issue with the mailing address submitted by the recipient.
      ● Logistical difficulties arose impacting final delivery.

      These factors can result in delayed or obstructed delivery of an order. When a customer does not receive their package as anticipated, it is advisable to contact customer service for clarification. The courier’s support team can provide details on why the expected delivery did not occur and assist in resolving any address errors or transit problems.


      In summary, the tracking status “out for delivery” indicates the package has reached the local distribution facility responsible for the recipient’s geographic area. It has been loaded on a delivery vehicle containing multiple customers’ orders for route dispatch. This final transit stage precedes handoff to the recipient, after stopping at other delivery points along the way.

      I hope this explanation provides useful clarity on the meaning and implications of seeing an “out for delivery” notification when monitoring a shipment’s progress.Thank you for taking the time to read this!